A learning curriculum with a multidisciplinary approach to understanding the process of learning itself. Integrating education, psychology, cognitive science, and neuroscience. 

While we, as students, focus significantly on improving our academic results, we rarely pay much attention to the acquisition of knowledge or the process of learning itself. However, this knowledge journey would be far more effective if we leverage the use of scientifically proven learning techniques to enhance our learning processes.

Condensing 2 entire years of primary and secondary research to help you, essentially, Learn to Learn!

Module 1: Introduction to the Course

First things first, we discuss why learning is truly important. Delving into what really takes place in our brains during the process of learning. A quick introduction to your course mentor, Agastya Sinha, followed up with a brief overview of the course: Deep concentration, Spaced repetition, Metacognition, Cognitive biases, and the Growth Mindset.


Module 2: Deep concentration

Deep concentration while studying helps us achieve our learning and academic goals. When we are able to stay focused on a specific task and study, without being distracted, we can learn better and retain information for a longer time. Deep concentration aids our cognitive processes for problem-solving and critical thinking.

In this module, we discuss how we can achieve deep concentration through simple techniques, improve our academic performance as well as learn valuable skills for the future.


Module 3: Spaced repetition

Spaced repetition as a learning technique helps us remember information over a longer period of time. When we study and review material at increasingly spaced intervals of time instead of cramming, we consolidate the neural connections associated with learning that prevents us from forgetting.

In this module, we will teach students how we can practise the technique of spaced repetition through various tools, enhance our learning and recall and help in better academic results and assessments through distributed learning.


Module 4: metacognition

Metacognition is a key learning strategy that helps us monitor our own learning, and identify the areas where we need additional support. Through metacognition, we learn how to monitor our own cognitive processes, identify areas where we have difficulties and implement strategies to overcome those learning challenges. 

In this module, we will learn how to monitor and self-regulate our own learning, evaluate our learning errors and develop strategies to improve our academic goals and problem-solving abilities to improve our academic performance.


Module 5: Cognitive Biases + growth mindset

Cognitive bias is a mental shortcut that the brain uses to process information more efficiently, but it can lead to errors in thinking and decision-making. By becoming more aware of our biases and implementing strategies to reduce their effect, we can improve our learning, thinking and decision-making. The Growth mindset is a powerful mindset to help us reach our full academic potential. The belief that we can develop our talents and abilities over time with practice is a powerful technique for our growth and learning.

In this module, we will discuss how a growth mindset can be applied to help alleviate certain cognitive biases. Developing strategies to overcome these biases and make more informed decisions! Concluding with the application of the growth mindset. 


Module 6: Learning hacks + Conclusion

During this last and final module, the aim is to impart applicable learning techniques that can truly change the way you learn, above and beyond the theory. Answering the age-old question, does listening to music while we study really help? Finally, concluding with an overview of the course!

                                                                                           START LEARNING