Master Adobe Photoshop

5 Tips for Photoshop Beginners 

In this comprehensive tutorial, Photographer and Designer Demas Rusli reflects on his experience as a visual artist and teaches the 5 most important Photoshop tips he wish he knew as a beginner. From maneuvering your way around layers to ensuring that your edits are non destructive, this first video distills learnings Demas has collected over his entire career into one piece.

Typography in Photoshop

In this part of Aaron Nace's '30 Days of Photoshop', we will learn how to choose a font face, font weight, and seamlessly integrate typography into your photo. By working alongside a sample image, we will deconstruct the layers and finally bring in a form of text through the creation of layer masks!

Photograph Transformation

In this part of Aaron Nace's '30 Days of Photoshop,' we will learn how to transform a photograph with the help of the Scale, Rotation, and Alignment tools. Any time you incorporate multiple elements in a photograph, it is crucial to be able to manipulate them in a cohesive and coherent manner - and in this video we will learn how!

Wielding Curves in Photoshop

In this video, delivered by Kevin at the School of Photography, you will learn how to wield curves to adjust crucial elements of your photograph likes tones and contrast. Although an extremely technical process, learning how to master curves will help you instantly uplift your photographs.  

The Hidden Powers of Levels 

The last video of mastering Photoshop, taught by designer and photographer Nathaniel Dodson,  is all about Levels. Learn how to colour correct your photographs, adjust their contrast, and even more by creating an adjustment layer in Photoshop. This layer is the direct key to accessing the histogram driven tools Photoshop has, and will enable you to give your pictures an impressive face lift.